Rav FinklemanTales 1-174

In A Siberian Prison Camp
2) The Power Of Prayer
3) Don’t Call Me Father, Call Me Tatee
4) Reb Chaim Bids At The Auction
5) The Separation Of The Bride and Groom
6) The Russian Family’s Struggle
7) An Exciting Story About Charity
8) Prayer Of The Baal Shem Tov
9) A Wedding Story
10) The Salvation Of The Great Rabbi
11) Shraga Ben Shraga – A Talmid Chochom
12) Story Of An Adopted Child
13) The Magic Rock
14) Reb Isaac From Cracow
15) The King and the Queen’s Sick Daughter
16) Reb Avraham Travels to Turkey
17) Reb Shloime Sells Jewelry
18) The Story of the Young King
19) The Great Reb Zisha
20) The Great Fire of Vienna
21) The Story of the Sh’la in Frankfurt
22) Reb Shmuel Saves Naftali From Prison
23) Journey To Poland
24) Jerusalem Will Be Redeemed
25) Messenger From The Ukraine
26) The Tailor From L’vov
27) Reb Moshe G’vir
28) The Meeting Of the Rabbi and the Bishop
29) The Great Fire
30) Trust in a Tzaddik
31) How the King Saved the Jews
32) The Shiniver Rov
33) The Special Yom Tov Of Purim
34) One Hundred Years Ago in Russia
35) The Special Yom Tov of Pesach
36) Reb Shabsai Mourns the Death of His Family
37) Lost in the Fire
38) The Destruction of Jerusalem
39) Ephraim Nachman’s Trip to Israel
40) The Village Robber
41) G-d Never Forgets Our Mitzvos
42) Disciples of the Vilna Gaon in Israel
43) Stories of Elijah the Prophet
44) The Return of the Lost Czar
45) A Jewish Soldier in the Russian Army
46) The Great Court Case In Cracow
47) G-d Answers the Prayers of the Righteous
48) A Purim Story
49) A Pesach Story
50) The Maharal from Prague
51) The Maharal and the Baal Teshuva
52) Shloimie’s Return to his People
53) The Family of the Great Duke
54) Disciples of the Vilna Gaon
55) The Abandoned Polish Child
56) The Days of Ellul
57) Helping Others to Repent
58) The King and Jew
59) From Rags to Riches
60) The Apter Rav
61) The Special Yom Tov of Chanukah
62) Sender Goldschticker and the Thieves – Part I
63) Sender Goldschticker and the Thieves – Part II
64) We Don’t Cry Out on Shabbos
65) Saved from Captivity
66) Shabbos Hagodol – The Shabbos Before Pesach
67) Lag Baomer in Miron
68) The Story of Yitzchak Moshe
69) Trials and Tribulations of a Jew in Russia
70) The Western Wall
71) Prayer in Place of sacrifices
72) Ask for Forgiveness
73) Reb Avraham Mordechai from Pinchen
74) A Success Story
75) The Mysterious Box
76) The Disappearance of the Princess’s Husband
77) Berel the Forester
78) The Month of Teves
79) In a Cold, Dark Cellar
80) The Footsteps of Moshiach
81) The Fascinating Story of the Shpala Zeida
82) The Shpala Zeida’s Purim Shpiel
83) The Blood Libel
84) Almost Hung at the Gallows
85) Teaching and Learning Torah
86) “Emes” – Truth
87) The Miser of Berdichov
88) Almost Failed
89) “Teshuva” – Repentance
90) Preparation for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
91) Jews in Galus
92) Trust in Wise Men
93) The Eve of Chanukah
94) The Capital City of Turkey
95) The Big Mess in Turkey
96) The Unusual Reb Shmuel
97) The Special Yom Tov of Purim
98) The results of One’s Kindness
Tales of Inspiration for Children  Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman
99) The Month of Nissan
100) Baking Matzos on Erev Pesach
101) The Virtue of Modesty
102) The Relationship Between Rebbe and Student
103) It’s All for the Best
104) The Fast of Shiva Asar B’Tammuz
105) The Trials and Strengths of the Tosfos Yom
106) Eliyahu the Saint
107) Better Left Unsaid — The Curious Box
108) The Usurper
109) To Sell A Mitzvah // Measure for Measure
110) Master of Prayer // Erev Yom Kippur
111) Rav Yaakov Leib – Part I
112) Rav Yaakov Leib – Part II
113) The Widow Miriam
114) Chanukah Stories
115) To Kindle is the Mitzvah
116) Guard The Child
117) If I Am For Myself
118) Sweet Revenge//The Path Of Repentance
119) The Power Of Truth//Share Your Bread Part I
120) Share Your Bread Parts II & III
121) Share Your Bread Parts IV & V
122) The Shofar Of Passover Eve
123) Anguish Cleanses – Parts I & II
124) Anguish Cleanses – Part III
125) Rabbi Levi Yitzchok’s Father-in-law //
The Agunah is Freed
126) Rabbi Shamshon of Shpitovk
127) Yankele Goy
128) The Partnership – Parts I & II
129) The Partnership – Parts III & IV
130) The Partnership – Part V
131) A Taste of Olam Habo
132) To Return the Theft
133) An Experience with the D’var Chaim //
Rabbi Avrohom Ger Tzedek
134) Be Happy With the Torah – Part I
135) Be Happy with the Torah – Part II //
With the Power of Lightning – Part I
136) With the Power of Lightning – Part II
The Magic of Kindness
137) Reward for Being Kind to the Deceased – Parts
I & II
138) Reward for Being Kind to the Deceased – Part
Blessed Be Those Who Bless
139) Chanukah – The Power of Song
140) The Menorah of Chortkov
141) I Will Trust – Not Fear
142) The Scared Ones
143) The Sacrifice of the Marranos – Parts I & II
144) The Sacrifice of the Marranos – Parts III & IV
145) The Sacrifice of the Marranos – PartsV & VI
146) The Sacrifice of the Marranos – Parts VII &
147) The Sacrifice of the Marranos – Parts IX & X
148) The Sacrifice of the Marranos – Parts XI & XII
149) Even the Empty Jew
150) The Clock//The Aged Wagon Driver – Part
151) The Aged Wagon Driver – Part Two//The
Great Desert
152) The Popular Mitzvah//The More Powerful is
153) The Revealed Secret
154) From Despair to Satisfaction – Parts I & II
155) From Despair to Satisfaction – Parts III & IV
156) From Despair to Satisfaction – Parts V & VI
157) From Despair to Satisfaction – Parts VII & VIII
158) From Despair to Satisfaction – Parts IX & X
159) Before Kol Nidrei – Parts I & II
160) Before Kol Nidrei – Parts III & IV
161) One Hour of Frost
162) Redeemer of Israel
163) To Rejoice With Our Lot//Do Not Touch My
Annointed – Part I
164) Do Not Touch My Annointed Part
II//Lowering The Haughty and Raising the
Humble Part I
165) Lowering The Haughty and Raising the
Humble Part II A purim Story
166) A Man Has Many Thoughts – Parts I & II
167) A Man Has Many Thoughts – Parts III & IV
168) A Man Has Many Thoughts – Parts V & VI
169) Healing of the Soul and Body//Sustenance,
Mercy and Life
170) The Miraculuos Salvation – Parts I & II
171) The Miraculuos Salvation – Parts III & IV
172) The Miraculuos Salvation – Parts V & VI
173) If You Heal Us, We Shall Be Healed
174) His Teacher in Kindness

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